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let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

i just returned from taking my dog for a walk, and let me say that taking my dog for a walk is quite something for me. which i know, is sad, but as much as i DO love my puppy, baby, my sweetheart, i usually kind of hope he runs around the courtyard outside my door when i let him out, and count that as a 'walk' which is supposed to make sure his heart keeps beating for the next 8 years. i don't take him for a good walk on days when it's kind of cold out or raining cause i'm lazy and i don't feel like it...
but is a special day...

why? one might ask??

today is special because it snowed all day and it's just too beautiful not to enjoy on a nice walk. i didn't realize how much i missed the snow when i was in West Virginia until we got some snow here in Chicago, but we didn't barely get any snow in Chicago so far this winter, until today. it was--having to shovel the sidewalk every 15 minutes, dig your car out of the parking lot, 'where the hell are the plows and salt-trucks', not get home til 7pm cause traffic was so slow on the freeway--kind of day, and it was fabulous. granted, a few more days like this and i'm sure i'll be moaning and groaning like the rest of the city, but seriously, i've missed it.

and to prepare myself for whatever is ahead, i stopped by a few stores along the way home and purchased a few necessary items...
1) a pair of gloves to go under my already cute, but not warm enough for these frigid temps, mitten/gloves...

2) so that my ankles wouldn't continue to be cold and wet all day...(i haven't had boots like this since the 3rd grade, but they're awesome:))

3) just in case i get stuck in feet of snow on the side of the highway or in my parking spot on the street...(and look how cool it is, it extends and everything)

needless to say, i'm ready and prepared for anything now...

and with an apartment that's actually warm again...

and no, that's not the time, it's the tempurature, IN MY APARTMENT...yeeehaaa, i can relax without 18 layers of clothing.

a good day.

oh, and icing on the cake, i received two gifts from friends in west virginia this week. yesterday i got a WV sticker for my car that i've wanted and requested, but was forgotten by a certain someone who recently took a trip to Chicago (but no worries, it was great to get in the mail;)), and the other was a Christmas/New Year's/Valentine's day gift from a couple of friends/co-workers who i miss and need desperately to call thanks:) you all made me smile:)

and just to finish with just a tiny piece of the greatness...

the view from my doorway

the view of my street


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A warm apartment...What's that?
Glad it wasn't warm when you had a certain visitor...:)

1:49 PM  

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