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top 10 reasons why it's cool to have so little heat in your apartment that the temperature is consistently 50 degrees or less...

10. when your dog is upset with you about working too much and goes through all your garbage, leaving thrown out left overs and used tissues all over the apartment, no ants come to the crumb-picnic cause THEY"RE ALL DEAD.
9. you start noticing a severe looseness in your clothes because it's to damn cold to do anything but sit under covers and wait til the next time to leave. making food or anything related to food is frankly too much work cause you can't feel your fingers...not only are all of the silverwear nearly cold enough to freeze water on, but so are all the plates.
8. you can drink coke that's been bottled and sitting on your shelf for a week without adding ice to chill it, or having to put it in the refrigerator to chill it because it's already cold enough...
7. when your friend from west virginia comes to visit, you can put that strange little truth to the test..that truth where using body heat to stay warm will really keep you from freezing to death...the question remains...did we strip down to do so, or did we remain clothed?? only me, the hot Paramedic (aka the hot EMT), brayson and any bug that happened to still be a live in my apartment will ever know.
6. you have yet ANOTHER reason to call your landlord and bug him about how you really should just take him to court already because of Another landlord/tenant law he's breaking. not only did the leak FINally get fixed after freaking 3 months, but you get to call him and call him now to tell him to TURN ON THE HEAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ALREADY.
5. you get to look forward to the time when you actually have your own control over your matter what the monetary cost.
4. you get to make Great use out of your blankets, socks, slippers, more slippers, sweatshirts, long underwear, more sweatshirts, hats, scarves and mittens than you may EVER have thought possible.
3. every morning it's a toss-up weather your contact lenses have frozen in the solution and you'll have to wear you glasses to work.
2. ...i'm out...i got nothin else...

it really ,

at least at this point, at least the Hot Paramedic knows that i'm not lying when i say it's cold here...he knows first=hand...and i have a witness other than my dog, cause my dog can't talk. i'm not really sure when the temp outside is gonna increase again to bring the temp INside back to something somewhat livable...but all i have to say is, it was -7 degrees this morning, without the wind-chill factor. i'd Much rather have 3 feet of snow...

strangely, the Hot Paramedic said that he had an enjoyable first trip to Chicago and likes the city. i guess the Cheesecake factory, the Chicago HIstory Museum, Goose Island Brewery, the Container Store, bus rides, taxi cabs, Borders, waiting forever in sub zero weather for the buses and cabs, Giordano's, breakfast at Nookies, the view of the city on Lake Shore Drive, and Brayson did a good job of convincing him that Chicago is still a great city, regardless of the tempurature. who knows if he'll ever return though...i'm guessing the first and second months of the year are gonna be out of the question as times to go north for his vacation:):)


Blogger bexala said...

Warm, luxury accomodations in Spring Lake are available for you and the pooch if you need to escape. Sallycat might freak, but I'm sure she'd adjust once I explained the necessary nature of the visit - to escape the balmy subzero temperatures.

Seriously, if you need to come and be it. I'm here this weekend.

1:15 PM  
Blogger swtpmarie said...

Meanwhile, I'm watching the snow melt and walking around outside without a jacket on in Denver. I'm really not missing the Midwest right now. :) Glad you had a good weekend about the spooning...

5:23 PM  
Blogger bexala said...

no jacket in denver...blah blah blah...

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet he might come back if asked...

9:00 AM  
Blogger bexala said...

a very chatty pooch you have there.

11:57 PM  

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