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oh how things change...

i've realized over the last few months that my style of blogging has changed dramatically from when i first started...two years ago this month. it's crazy to look back and see what i've experienced, what i've gone through, mood swings, crushes, friendships, travels. i truly have SO much to be thankful for, and (side note: i was brought to that realization the other day when speaking to a friend who is from Belarus as she explained how she came to the US when she was 18 and has made a life for herself here, hoping to someday either join her mother and brother in Australia with her dad, or have them all come to the US because conditions in Belarus are so difficult. my life has been cake compared to that...but i digress...)

my life, documented, has been crazy. and good. i've noticed though, that my posts have become much more pictoral and a bit less honest. not less honest like i'm lying or anything, but more one sided...less 'journal' like, less personal, more about things i do than about what's Really going on sometimes.not always, but sometimes...which might be a good thing. when it started, i did it as an experiment, or as a chance to vent because no one really read it, or because i didn't know who read it. NOW, over 10 thousand site-counts later, it's different because i know people who read it...haha...

anyways, a few more pics...last weekend i went to the Sunset Rubdown concert at the Empty Bottle in chi-town. (for those of you who know Wolf Parade, it's the same lead singer). i went with a friend and her boyfriend and a bunch of their guy friends. omg...SO much fun!! after the show i played pool with the guys, impressed them a bit...and went up to one of the band members to ask where they were going afterwards. a bunch of fun guys thinking you Won't do something crazy is just enough motivation to do it (as long as it's within reason, of course, RELAX!!). plus, i'll probably never be close enough to the band again to make it a big deal. after we went and followed the band to the next club like 14 yr old groupies, i went and told Spencer Krug, the lead singer, that the show was fabulous. He was awesome by the way, he acted as if he was really touched that i came over to tell him i enjoyed the show. he wasn't stuck up or anything...but i digress again...needless to say the guys thought i was crazy, and cool, and were all inlove with me...hehe..

proof that i had a blast::

uh......i look like i'm falling asleep
we were still getting organized...
and the two other guys craming in the booth didn't really make it into the pitures...

uh, yeah...


Blogger bexala said...

Not sure if you're enjoying the licking or are grossed out. Heh.

So I blogged. Be happy.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Reshae said...

for the record. i didn't know he licked me until i saw the picture. i was trying to get them both to kiss a cheek, but as time was not a luxury, i figured he just kissed me. but i couldn't figure out why my cheek was so wet after we stepped out of the booth.

boys are gross...

and nice work on the blog. i actually looked at it earlier this morning and there was no new blog, so i can see it's been a productive sunday:)

9:46 PM  

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