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did i get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

today has been a day. and yes, many mondays are nuts...the beginning of a new work week, school week...whatever. but i hope that the craziness begins to subside.

so...this morning, i woke up, and as i come back into consciousness, i realize that there's more light in my room than normal. after a quick squinted look at my alarm clock, i realize that it's 8:09am, and i have to be at work in 20 minutes, which is literally impossible. i just can not make myself presentable in that short of a time. so i decided i could make it by 9:30, i call my boss, and head for the shower.

upon ariving at work, two of the clients that have been admitted have decided to hate being there and throw fits about not being released TO-day. I still have yet to acquire an ability to stand up to such behavior, and i learn everyday from my supervisor...she takes shit from NO ONE.

Then...around 11:30, my supervisor and co-worker were just about to leave for lunch, and the fire alarm goes off. So, i go around to help close all the room doors, and keep the patients in the one main group room instead of roaming and asking questions. i look down the hall at one of the other units, and i can see smoke and water...and i know it's not just something minor. Staff starts running up and down the halls, trying to figure out what's going on, and i decided to hold one of the doors open that lead down the hall so i could see what was going on. gallons of water were coming out of the sprinkler and maintenance crew-men were running around trying to figure out what to do. one of the employees yells...we need a bed on wheels...and he comes running into our unit, takes a bed an rolls it into the elevator. apparently, a patient from the adolescent unit tried to escape by setting fire to the ceiling around the sprinkler and stormed out down the stairwell. unfortunately for him, he slipped (probably from wet shoes) and probably broke his leg. he was brought up a few minutes later on the bed and in restraints.

After everything calms down, i run over to the hospital to get some money and upon re-entering the building in which i work, the woman at the front desk is paging a 'code red in the main hallway' of the day-treatment patients was being chased down the hall, and upon being caught, started punching my old supervisor in the face. he was finally taken down by staff and taken back to the unit.

it's not a full moon, so there must be something in the air today.

beyond that, i led, or really still co-led, a process group and felt good about it. i hate process group b/c i can't really prepare for it. if there's a topic that i know i'm gonna talk about, i feel much more comfortable because i can prepare questions and make sure i understand the content. however, when i have to hope that they have stuff to talk about for an hour, otherwise i have to create heart rate increases. but, i made it, and my supervisor had good things to well as some helpful suggestions. maybe i can do this afterall:) maybe.

this afternoon and evening have been more calm already...and i hope to make it to the grocery store and home this evening without further incident;)


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